<strong>246</strong> caravans and motorhomes now in stock

246 caravans and motorhomes now in stock

All our stock is <strong>70</strong> point checked and prepared before sale

All our stock is 70 point checked and prepared before sale

Explore our vehicle display in its tranquil <strong>16</strong> acre woodland site

Explore our vehicle display in its tranquil 16 acre woodland site

Home > Storage Update

Storage Update

Posted 10/04/2021
Author: Hellen Dimmock

Storage Update

We are pleased to announce that our storage facility will now be open 7 days a week from 9am - 5pm. You will no longer be required to email us for access. 

Please remember to follow social distancing guidelines whilst down on the site, to ensure the safety of yourself and everyone who stores their vehicle with us. We would like to say a massive thank you for your support throughout, as always, and wish you many happy holidays out in your beloved vehicles.

If you have any storage queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or telephone. 

Thank you 

New caravans at Wandahome South Cave

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