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Home > Customer information regarding COVID-19

Customer information regarding COVID-19

Posted 19/03/2020
Author: Hellen Dimmock

Covid-19 Update

As a business, we are constantly monitoring the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation and following the relevant advice from the government, NHS England and the WHO – and the current advice we are receiving is regards to the Coronavirus is that we should remain open. 

Please be reassured that we are closely following Public Health England and the UK Government’s advice on COVID-19, and will continue to share information on infection control and prevention with our customers, visiting companies and our staff; as their health and well-being is our top priority.

On a practical level, we have implemented enhanced cleansing procedures for all hand level hard surfaces throughout our building and we continue to raise awareness of good hygiene practices promoting regular thorough hand washing and ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ information.

If you have any specific concerns, you can find the very latest updates and advice on the NHS website here. 

We understand that this is a worrying time, so would like to thank our customers for their continued support and if you have any questions or queries regarding orders or potential future orders, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

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