<strong>246</strong> caravans and motorhomes now in stock

246 caravans and motorhomes now in stock

All our stock is <strong>70</strong> point checked and prepared before sale

All our stock is 70 point checked and prepared before sale

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Explore our vehicle display in its tranquil 16 acre woodland site

Home > Temporary Site Closure

Temporary Site Closure

Posted 27/10/2021
Author: Hellen Dimmock

Northern Power Grid Update

We have received notification from Northern Power Grid that they will be carrying out essential maintenance work in the local area, meaning we will have no power on-site on the following days:

Monday 1st November 2021
Friday 5th November 2021

Unfortunately, due to these power cuts, we have no alternative but to close our entire site on these days, this includes sales, aftersales & servicing, storage and accessory shop

This means that our storage facility will be inaccessible after 8pm on Sunday 31st October, reopening at 8am on Tuesday 2nd November. Storage will then be open as usual on the 2nd,3rd and 4th November, closing at 6pm and reopening as usual at 8am on Saturday 6th November.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause during these planned closures, but we hope you understand these are exceptional circumstances.

Thank you as always for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you very soon.

New caravans at Wandahome South Cave

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