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Home > Our Guide to Preloved Leisure Vehicles

Our Guide to Preloved Leisure Vehicles

Posted 11/04/2023
Author: Hellen Dimmock

When you are looking to buy a new campervan, caravan or motorhome there are so many options open to you that it can quite quickly become overwhelming! You’ll find choices to make over the brand, the number of berths, the layout… and you’ll also find that your budget can be maximised by opting for a pre-loved vehicle. Buying something that has already been owned by somebody else might not be everybody’s first choice – but, it makes really good sense. Here are the reasons…


Preowned means spending less to get more

Any preloved campervans, caravans and motorhomes that you think about looking at will definitely be older than current models, so it could be considered as slightly further down ‘the food chain.’ We’ll explain exactly what we mean by this.

The vehicle you’re looking at may have been at the top of its range two years ago, for instance, but certain aspects of it have since been superseded by more recent models. What this really does not mean, though, is that a preloved vehicle will be out-of-date in terms of how it can fulfil your requirements. You’re likely to find that when it was brand new it was the best you could get – so, in effect, what you will be getting now is a slightly older very high quality vehicle. All of the fixtures, fittings and features will still feel fantastic.

A preloved vehicle can absolutely be more than adequate even though it’s a couple of years old. You’ll be getting a superior quality vehicle for a fraction of the price you would have paid if you had bought from brand new, and there’s no grudgingly ‘settling for second best’ about it! There may even have been ‘add-on’ packs which the original owner bolted on to the purchase, and their investment will pay off for you as these extra things are now subsumed into the overall price. That means you’ll get a vehicle of higher specification than you might generally expect to get for the money you’re handing over. That’s a good budget stretch!


Can a pre-owned still feel new?

Anything you buy that is ‘new to you’ is going to have a particular feeling of being new, just because you’ve not experienced it before. When you buy something expensive such as a preloved motorhomes, it’s highly likely that it will have been incredibly well looked after and that the previous owners will have gone to great efforts to make sure the condition of it remains as close to new as possible. In other words: no-one worth their salt buys something from new and doesn’t look after it. It’s a fair assumption to make that a second hand campervan, caravan or motorhome will have been regularly washed and cleaned, both outside and inside, and that all of the fixtures and fittings will have had regular checks.

Similarly, the ‘hidden things’ will have been cared about. Things like engine maintenance will have been taken seriously, and service history will be intact.

You can find a great selection of preloved caravans, campervans and motorhomes here at Wandahome, all waiting for you to check them out and make your choice. However, it’s not always about buying, with pre-loved vehicles, either. Take a moment to think about the other side of the equation, too – these vehicles have to come from somewhere, so someone has decided to sell them! This is another area in which Wandahome can excel for you.


Selling your motorhome, campervan or caravan

Selling your motorhome, campervan or caravan can be really quick and simple with Wandahome – a really straightforward way to convert your asset into money. Our sales team’s expertise will help determine a fair cash price for your vehicle, and we will make you an offer to ensure that you get the best value. To begin the process of selling your campervan, caravan or motorhome, simply fill in our online form (which will include giving us a brief outline of your vehicle – make, model, year and mileage etc) and our purchasing team will get back to you. It really is that simple!

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