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Home > How to personalise your motorhome or caravan: Best motorhome accessories

How to personalise your motorhome or caravan: Best motorhome accessories

Posted 03/03/2024
Author: Hellen Dimmock

Motorhomes are a great way to travel. They offer the ultimate twin convenience of being in control of your movements while also staying comfortable and retaining a sense of home. To make the most of the experience, you should personalise the interior of your motorhome to reflect your tastes, and equip it with some quality motorhome accessories. In this edition of our blog we’ll focus in on a few touches you can make to ensure that your motorhome stays feeling homely, including accessories such as cushions, furnishings and media systems.


What lifestyle accessories do I need?




Comfortable seating is crucial for a pleasant motorhome trip and the seating installed aboard your motorhome will be perfectly adequate. You can, though, add an extra layer of comfort by dotting your own cushions around. If you tie them in to the motorhome’s pre-existing colour scheme (whether directly matching it or using accent colours) then you will also add an extra dimension to the overall aesthetic and create a truly cosy space.




Soft blankets or ‘throws’ (as they are sometimes known) are perfect as decoration but also double up as an extra layer for covering up on chilly evenings. Keeping warm and cosying in for watching a movie or just gazing at the stars through the windows can be a real pleasure. Again, like with the cushions, finding a colour that matches the interior of your motorhome, or serves as an accent against the dominant colour, is a great way to ‘tie in’ everything in the interior and really make the space ‘pop’ with a homely feel.


Folding tables and chairs


If you are utilising the outdoor space – i.e. the awning area just outside the motorhome door (if you have an awning, that is) then using collapsible tables and chairs is ideal for creating a homely space. You can also use these on the interior if you have the room and are looking for an easy way to create a temporary workspace. Small folding tables and chairs are readily available from most lifestyle stores, and once you have them with you on your trip they can easily be stored in the motorhome garage when they’re not required.


Media system


There is every chance that your motorhome will be pre-fitted with an infotainment system, which includes driver assistance features such as sat nav or even a reversing camera – and it may also include some things to keep you amused and occupied in an evening. However, for a top quality entertainment experience you are likely to need to invest in a media system if the motorhome doesn’t have one. Making sure there are entertainment options is essential, and a TV and media player (whether that be disc, hard drive or online streaming) fits the bill perfectly. You’ll be able to gather together and watch your favourite films or shows.



What touches can I make?


Your aim is to create a space which feels like home rather than just a generic motorhome interior (no matter how spectacularly good that may be, direct from the factory) and to do this you must include various personal touches as well as work on your preferred ambience.




The way the interior is illuminated is an important factor in its overall vibe, and opting for yellow bulbs will emit a warm and soothing glow which starker white blubs do not. Using candles can also enhance the feel of the interior, especially during cosy evenings (but you must exercise care and caution due to potential fire hazards).


Pictures and objects


Incorporating personal items into your motorhome decor is a delightful way to ‘claim the space as your own’ in a visually pleasing and sometimes tactile way. Just like you do at home, putting postcards or family photos on walls or sticking them to the fridge (etc) adds a personal touch. Including a few objects, whether they are souvenirs you’ve picked up on the trip or keepsakes from home, will give you items you can pick up and examine, with each one a cue for a memory or a story. This will enrich your motorhome interior with the essence of your adventures.


Your own art


You don’t have to be Van Gogh to paint landscapes. During your downtime on a trip you could embrace your inner creativity and try sketching, painting or even photographing the beautiful scenery you encounter, and then displaying your efforts on your motorhome walls. If art is not your thing then there are also crafting activities you can engage in which will create unique and comfortable items for use in the motorhome - quilts or crocheted blankets, etc, and these will further add to the sense of the space being uniquely yours.



Enhancing the interior of your motorhome so that it more reflects your personality or presence is a great way to significantly improve your comfort, convenience and enjoyment during all those days and nights you’re out on the road. Making the interior uniquely your own – whether that means cushions and furnishings, clever lighting or an abundance of photos, pictures and objects d’art – ensures a welcoming and homely space which you can truly call your very own home-from-home. If you’re looking to enhance your motorhoming experience not just with homely touches listed here, but also with an awning or large items such as tableware or furniture, check out our very own Waudby’s accessory store today.

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