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Complaints Procedure

Sales Customer Complaints
Wandahome (South Cave) Ltd aims to offer the best possible service to its clients, but recognises that at times, it may fail to do so. In these instances when something does go wrong, Wandahome (South Cave) Ltd would be grateful to hear about it in order to be able to make amends in the particular situation and to avoid repeating any mistakes in the future.
We shall deal with all complaints promptly and deal with your concerns in a respectful, polite manner and accordingly we expect you to deal with us and our staff similarly.
Please note that where you have a warranty issue, we shall not regard that as a complaint although you may complain about the way we deal with your warranty issue.
If you have a complaint, please contact your initial point of contact here at Wandahome, with full details of your complaint and what you expect from Wandahome.

Should you wish to escalate your complaint:-
Wandahome (South Cave) Ltd is a member of the NCC Approved Dealerships scheme. A key commitment under the dealership scheme that lies at the heart of the scheme is that we maintain a clear and formal written complaints procedure and take effective and immediate action to try and resolve any customer complaint. Our procedure is as follows:
1. If you want to make a complaint:
a. We will acknowledge your complaint, in writing or by phone, within 2 working days of receipt.
b. We will issue an initial response or a final decision, in writing, as soon as possible or at the latest within 10 working days of complaint receipt.
c. If we issue an initial response and you notify us that it does not resolve your complaint, we will issue a final decision, in writing, as soon as possible or at the latest within a further 5 working days.
d. In all instances if we justifiably need more time to investigate and manage your complaint (e.g.: because it involves another party), we will provide written reasons why and an estimate of the date when we expect to be able to issue an initial response or final decision.
e. We will keep a complaints log which will be available for inspection by NCC assessors.
2. We will keep you informed either by letter or e-mail, whichever you prefer.
3. For all complaints we will provide either a response and/or a final decision in writing. Any final decision will include details of the NCC Informal Dispute Resolution Service and the Independent Case Examiner (the Examiner) in case you require independent redress. Please note that the Examiner will only consider complaints that have been first sent to, and considered by, the NCC Informal Dispute Resolution Service.
4. We will liaise, at your request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf (e.g. Trading Standards, Citizens Advice Bureau, Consumer Advice Centre, etc.).
Complaints should be sent to:
General Manager
Ms. Debbie Box
Wandahome (South Cave) Ltd
Brough Road
South Cave
HU15 2DB
01430 424342
Note: The National Caravan Council (NCC) is the UK trade body for the tourer, motorhome, holiday home and park home industries. It has developed a number of NCC Approved schemes, each with a Code of Practice at its heart, to ensure that subscriber members treat customers fairly, deliver high levels of customer satisfaction and provide full protection and access to redress should this be needed.
Further details can be found via www.approveddealerships.co.uk/tourer or www.approveddealerships.co.uk/motorhomes